Human Factors in Aeronautics, M.S. (Online)

Human Factors in Aeronautics, M.S. (Online)

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Human Factors in Aeronautics MS航空中的人为因素是航空中人为因素背后的科学,以及人类如何与机器交互. The study of human factors involves the psychological, social, biological and safety characteristics of a user and the system in which they work. 人为因素领域的专家致力于了解人类与航空技术的相互作用,以便他们能够改善环境的复杂性及其用户体验.

亚洲博彩平台的在线人为因素航空学习项目是高度互动的,通过讨论板和与同行和教授的实时聊天会议将学生和教师聚集在一起,以获得其他在线项目有时缺少的学术亲密感, or even in traditional classroom settings.

Dedicated, Experienced Professors

The College of Aeronautics' faculty are not only experienced commercial, private and military pilots but also recognized leaders in aviation and aeronautics, 出版了航空安全教科书和研究文章,主题从航空中的人为因素, analysis and classification, to G-Force induced loss of consciousness, haptic feedback in aviation systems and aviation accident investigation. Dedicated researchers themselves, Florida Tech's faculty are actively involved in supporting their students' passion for discovery.

Varied Research Programs

Students have extensive opportunity for research and field study at Florida Tech. The cornerstone of every degree program, research gives students real-world, hands-on experience. 该大学在科学和航空学方面的专业知识帮助学生在第二年结束时通过顶点课程充分探索航空学中人为因素的许多方面. Research funding from the FAA Center of Excellence Partnership to Enhance General Aviation Safety, 可达性和可持续性(PEGASAS)为教授和学生提供资金,以研究选定的航空主题.

Interdisciplinary Careers

Improving human-machine interaction is paramount in reducing airline accidents. Graduates are in great demand by private airline, airport and aviation organizations. As a consultant, 毕业生指导这些组织利用航空学中人为因素研究的数据设计更好的技术和系统. 美国联邦航空管理局(Federal Aviation Administration)和国家运输安全委员会(National Transportation Safety Board)等政府机构也在寻找航空人为因素专业的毕业生,以帮助建立和调整新的系统和立法,以提高航空安全.

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You have three graduate study opportunities:

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You have two graduate study opportunities:

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You have two graduate study opportunities:

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  3. 100% Online
  4. Learn more about Florida Tech Online

亚洲博彩平台为学生提供超过45年的经验,是全国领先的大学航空安全项目之一. 选择亚洲博彩平台的航空人为因素培训为学生提供了一个更大的学校的所有好处(如世界级的教师和高质量的课程),在一个紧密的学术社区与同龄人和一对一的时间与教授-即使在在线环境中.

Learn From Aviation Experts

Florida Tech's professors have written and  co-authored textbooks, journal articles and hundreds of citations on aviation topics. Many professors are not only experienced commercial, private and military pilots, but also recognized leaders on issues in aviation and aeronautics. In addition, they are experts in at least one other field such as aviation law or avionics, making aviation human factors training at Florida Tech unlike any other around the country.

Research Opportunities

学生的研究工作在第二年结束时以3学分的顶点课程的形式聚集在一起. 航空人为因素培训涵盖了从飞机维修到员工培训再到机场设计的方方面面. With guidance from professors and their academic advisor, students choose the research topic that fits their career goals. Some potential capstone topics include airline safety programs, international safety processes and procedures, safety management systems, airport security and design, and air traffic control efficiency.

As a national research university, 亚洲博彩平台致力于在航空领域取得切实进步,确保学生接受包括高科技研究在内的航空人为因素培训. 亚洲博彩平台是几所精英大学之一,被选中成为联邦航空局提高通用航空安全卓越合作中心的一部分, Accessibility and Sustainability (PEGASAS). PEGASAS为参与的大学提供研究资金,教师和学生都可以利用这些资金来提高航空安全.

Expert Career Preparation

Graduates with human factors training in aviation are in great demand. 航空公司和航空组织需要顾问来指导他们设计更好的技术和系统,考虑人为因素. 美国联邦航空管理局(Federal Aviation Administration)和国家运输安全委员会(National Transportation Safety Board)等政府机构寻求航空人为因素专业的毕业生,以创建和调整改善航空安全的新系统和立法.

What Human Factors in Aeronautics research or other opportunities can I expect?

By studying real aircraft and learning from former and active pilots, students have a greater understanding of the human/machine interface. 这些经历增强了学生对人为因素的研究经验,洞察了行业挑战,并确定了需要进一步研究的领域. 亚洲博彩平台的学生在尖端的在线平台上与航空和航空专家一起工作,以提高他们对航空人为因素的了解.

High-Tech Research Tools

研究可以帮助航空各方面的专家学会预测和预防可能导致航空事故的情况. 亚洲博彩平台是美国领先的大学航空项目之一,已有超过45年的历史,培养学生成为这些专家之一. Built on the highly regarded expertise of the science and aeronautics departments, 亚洲博彩平台的人为因素和航空研究项目在第二年结束时包括一个3学分的在线顶点课程.

航空安全包罗万象,从飞机维修到员工培训再到机场设计. With guidance from your professors and academic advisor, human factors in aviation students choose the research topic that best fits their career goals. Some potential capstone topics include airline safety programs, international safety processes and procedures, safety management systems, airport security and design, and air traffic control efficiency. Using online discussion boards and chat rooms, students are able to maintain a robust learning environment with personalized attention.

Centers of Excellence for General Aviation and Commercial Space Transportation

亚洲博彩平台被美国联邦航空管理局(FAA)选中,加入一个由多所大学组成的精英团队,共同建立一个新的通用航空卓越中心. This center, along with Florida Tech's Center for Excellence in Commercial Space Transportation, 为亚洲博彩平台提供研究资金,以探索围绕航空中人为因素的许多主题, including:

  • Airport technology

  • Propulsion and structures

  • Airworthiness

  • Flight safety

  • Fire safety

  • Safety management systems (SMS)

How will a master's degree benefit my Human Factors in Aeronautics career?

Jobs in aviation are among the most challenging, interesting and exciting jobs available, particularly if working in aviation safety and human factors. 航空人为因素理学硕士学位为私营部门的职业可能性打开了大门, commercial airlines and the military.

Florida Tech's College of Aeronautics professors boast diverse backgrounds in aviation, giving students exposure to a variety of aviation careers from air transportation, airport planning and management, to business, flight, safety and assurance and even aviation human factors jobs.

航空公司和航空组织需要顾问来指导他们设计更好的技术和系统,将人为因素考虑在内. Therefore, graduates with expertise in aviation human factors are in great demand. 美国联邦航空管理局(faa)和国家运输安全委员会(ntsb)等政府机构为提高航空安全,招聘航空人为因素方面的毕业生.

Career Outlook

Aviation human factors jobs often involve careers in areas such as product design, computer hardware and software, communication, training, procedure development and more. Titles job seekers might expect to see include positions such as Human-Computer Interaction & Simulation Director or Usability Expert.

The Occupational Outlook Handbook, published by the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), provides information about specific jobs including median annual pay, working conditions and job outlook, among other things. The handbook does not discuss aviation human factors jobs specifically, but does have information on related aviation careers including aviation management, air traffic control, pilot, airport manager, avionics technician, aerospace engineer, airfield operation specialist, and more.

Information on employment opportunities can be found at the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Career Resources page.

Career Options

Aviation human factors jobs might include:

  • Product Development Team Lead

  • Integration Specialist

  • Ergonomist

  • Safety Scientist

  • Technical Specialist

  • Human Factors Research Scientist

  • Usability Expert

Potential Aviation Safety Employers

  • Commercial Airlines

  • Human Engineering Laboratory – U.S. Army

  • Air Force Human Resources Laboratory

  • NASA

  • National Transportation Safety Board

  • Flight Safety International

  • FAA

  • Department of Homeland Security

  • Various International Airports

  • Federal and State Agencies

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