Smiling Grads

How Aid Works

How Aid is Determined

财政援助提供的决定有一个操作顺序, but it’s a bit more complicated than PEMDAS.  Here’s how it works:

Cost of Attendance (COA)- Student Aid Index (SAI)-Scholarships-Grants-Subsidized Loan-Work Study = Unmet Need.

Unsubsidized loans, 家长PLUS贷款和/或私人学生贷款可以用来支付任何剩余的未满足的需求.

Clear as mud, right? 

Let's look at a couple of examples.  Keep in mind, 这些例子不一定是你会在你的经济援助奖中看到的——他们是佛罗里达州居民的代表,SAI为0美元,获得了亚洲博彩平台的学术奖学金.  如果你对你的援助更感兴趣,请查看我们的 Net Price Calculator.

假设皮特就读于亚洲博彩平台,主修计算机软件工程.  He’s done his FAFSA and he has an SAI of $0.  他是佛罗里达州的居民,他将留在这里的校园里.  他是一名优秀的学生,获得了亚洲博彩平台提供的最高学术奖学金, 以及佛罗里达光明期货学术奖学金.  Here’s how we’d determine his Financial Aid:

COA $63,900


 - $0

- $24,000 Florida Tech Scholarship
- $6,360 Bright Future Academic Scholarship


- $7,395 Pell
- $3,500 EASE (FRAG)

Subsidized Loan Funds

- $3,500

Work Study Funds

- $2,000

Initial Unmet Need

= $17,145

因为皮特的需求没有得到满足而我们的预算中还有剩余的资金用于额外的需求援助, 我们可以给他佛罗里达学生援助补助金, 联邦补充教育机会补助金(FSEOG), and the Florida Tech Panther Grant.  

Unmet Need $17,145

- $1,000 Florida Student Assistance Grant
- $1,000 Federal Supplemental Education Grant


-$5,000 Panther Fund Grant

Remaining Unmet Need


Unsubsidized loans, 家长PLUS贷款和/或私人学生贷款可以用来支付任何剩余的未满足的需求.

So let’s say Pete is a lucky Panther, and he’s awarded a $1,来自SSPA(无所不在的超级智能豹协会)的5000美元外部奖学金.  这将对他的援助计算产生以下影响:



SAI - $0

- $21,000 Florida Tech Scholarship
- $6,360 Bright Futures Academic Scholarship
- 1000美元的超级智能黑豹协会


- $7,395 Pell
- $3,500 EASE (FRAG)

Subsidized Loan Funds

- $3,500

Work Study Funds

- $2,000

Initial Unmet Need

= $19,145

因为皮特还有未满足的需求,而我们的预算中还有剩余的资金用于额外的需求援助, 我们可以给他佛罗里达学生援助补助金, 联邦补充教育机会补助金(FSEOG), and the Florida Tech Panther Grant.  

Unmet Need $19,145

- $1,000 Florida Student Assistance Grant
- $1,000 Federal Supplemental Education Grant


-$5,000 Panther Fund Grant

Remaining Unmet Need


Unsubsidized loans, 家长PLUS贷款和/或私人学生贷款可以用来支付任何剩余的未满足的需求.

Curious what your aid determination looks like?  Check out our Net Price Calculator.

Reviewing Your Bill

所有学生都可以通过他们的电子邮件查看他们的费用和帐户余额(帐户详细信息) PAWS Account by logging in and clicking PAWS>Student>Payment/Student Account Information and selecting the term in question (for example, if you are main campus, you might select Fall 2024) then submit.  The page will have the following details:

Net term balance: 在上一页的下拉列表中选择的术语的余额.

Net Balance for Other Terms: 从上一页下拉列表中选择的术语以外的术语结转的余额.

Account Balance: 当前期和以前期的总余额.

Current amount due as of (date): 截至所列日期的到期金额,这是您选择的学期的到期日(i).e. Fall 2024).  这个金额可能与经常账户余额不同, 因为它可能不包括未来期限的费用,因为该期限的付款将在晚些时候到期.

Authorized Financial Aid as of (date): 这部分将只包括你所选择的学期授权的援助.  For example, if you select Fall 2024 (8-Week Term 2), and you are a Main Campus student, you will not see any aid listed, because you are not enrolled in that term.  Main Campus students would select Fall 2024.  授权援助是在所列到期日准备发放的援助.

扣除授权财政援助后的账户余额: 当前期和以前期的总余额, 减去所选学期的授权财政援助.

Current Due net of Authorized Financial Aid: 所选期间的应付总额减去所选期间的授权援助.

Memos as of (date): 这部分将只包括你所选择的学期的帮助备忘录.  备忘援助是待处理但尚未授权发放的援助.  In most cases, 学生有突出的经济援助要求,他们需要完成, or this aid will not pay to their account.  If you see aid here, check your Financial Aid Account or .

扣除授权财政援助和备忘录后的账户余额: the total balance due for the selected term, 减去所选学期授权和备忘的援助.

学生会计办公室还每月向在过去30天内有账户活动(账户余额变化)的学生发送一份对账单.  学生可以联系学生会计要求发票(有时需要529帐户), external scholarships or other purposes).

Still have questions about your bill?  You can view frequently asked questions, visit the Student Billing page or .

How Aid is Disbursed

亚洲博彩平台的学生按学期收费,他们的助学金按学期发放.  只要学生被录取,经济援助资金就会支付到学生的账户上, 已注册(请注意您的入学要求), (可以在你们的条款和条件中找到),没有未完成的吗 Financial Aid Requirements.

  • 如果当你的援助支付时,你的余额为零,你就不需要再做什么了.
  • 如果你的助学金已发放,但仍有结余,你需要:
    • Make satisfactory payment arrangements by the due date
    • 注册并确保及时支付所有款项
    • OR
    • Contact us for help with additional aid options

  • 如果你的经济援助超过你的费用,你有信用余额.  信用余额将通过支票或在第二周课程结束时(14天内)支付给学生。.  学生可以选择将信用卡余额转移到他们的Panther卡上,以便在校园书店使用, or to their flight account.  学生可以到L3Harris Commons大楼的学生会计/出纳窗口填写转学申请.
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